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4 signs that say it’s time for timber cladding replacement

When installed and maintained correctly, timber is a very durable and long-lasting material. Even for external uses, it can last for upwards of twenty years without a hitch! But there will always come a time when some or all of the wood needs to be replaced. Here are the top four signs to look for to know yours is in need of a change.

The Lifecycle of Timber Cladding

When choosing materials for a building project, durability is always going to be a factor. Whether it’s a deck in your back garden or cladding on a public building, you will want the materials you choose to stand the test of time.

Is Timber Truly Renewable?

Renewable materials are those that are infinite, meaning that we will never run out of them. So is timber truly renewable, or is the way we are harvesting it leading to an inevitable end.

The best piers and promenade in the UK 2021

There is nothing quite like taking a stroll out towards the sea on a pier’s timber decking (especially if it’s supplied by Ecochoice) with the waves crashing and splashing below. Here are our top picks of the UK’s best piers to visit this summer:

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