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What exactly is eco-friendly construction?

As the demand for sustainable choices grows, eco-friendly construction continues to gain more attention in the industry. The term refers to building methods, materials and principles which reduce the negative effect construction has on the planet.

Is Timber Truly Renewable?

Renewable materials are those that are infinite, meaning that we will never run out of them. So is timber truly renewable, or is the way we are harvesting it leading to an inevitable end.

How Deforestation is Affecting our Planet

Thankfully, forests still cover about 30% of the land, but the rates they are disappearing at are alarming. Between 1990 and 2016, the world lost 1.3 million square kilometres of trees. To put that into perspective, that’s an area larger than South Africa.

Wood Costs Less Campaign

At EcoChoice, we are dedicated to doing our bit to help reduce CO2 and fight climate change. That’s why we are here to support the #WoodCO2tsLess campaign.

How can we help?