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Forget the digital revolution – we are in the midst of an eco revolution. With almost 80% of people wanting to live more sustainably and with an ever-increasing number of plastic-free, natural products becoming shop bestsellers, there is no denying that going green is the future. This is the same in the timber industry, where consumers and companies are becoming more aware of the impact which wood has on the environment.

At EcoChoice, we are working to protect the world’s natural forests by providing you with sustainable, certified timber products. As we stock a wide range of tropical timber, does that mean it is a sustainable choice? This is a pretty interesting question, actually, and one we wanted to dive a bit deeper into.

What is Tropical Timber?

Tropical timber comes from tropical rainforests, such as the Amazon and islands in Indonesia. We source a wide range of tropical timbers at EcoChoice, including:

These species are hugely popular around the world, especially for exterior applications. With high durability and resistance to rot and infestation, they are a low maintenance option which can withstand the elements with ease.

Deforestation Caused by Tropical Timber Felling

Unfortunately, because tropical timber has such excellent strength and durability, it has been in high demand over recent years. This has led to tropical tree felling on a wide scale, with millions of hectares of beautiful rainforest being chopped down and the illegal timber trade making a huge scar on our world’s natural forest land.

Between 2015 and 2020, 10 million hectares of rainforest was cut down every year. These lands, rich in biodiversity and with huge ecological significance, are being destroyed by unsustainable forest management and exploitation of the land.

The Effects of Illegal Tree Felling

However, not all forestry is bad for the planet or depletes our natural resources. It is a good thing, though, to shine a light on the illegal, uncertified forest depletion which does just that. Some of the repercussions of choosing uncertified tropical timber include:

  • Habitat loss for animals and plant species
  • Unbalanced ecosystems
  • Displaced indigenous communities
  • Local areas becoming more prone to flooding
  • Loss of biodiversity

On a wider scale, there are also climate change implications. Tropical forests are crucial in mitigating climate change by acting as carbon sinks. The removal of trees for timber contributes to increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, exacerbating the global climate crisis.

Can Tropical Timber Be Sustainable?

Yes! The good news is that not all the harvesting of tropical timber contributes to the deforestation of our rainforest.

By choosing tropical timber which is either FSC or PEFC-certified, you are helping to encourage sustainable practices in the tropical timber industry. These organisations work to ensure rainforests are not depleted, with every tree which is felled being left to replenish naturally, thus preventing the overharvesting of the forest. This maintains habitats and biodiversity, keeping the forests full of life and continuing to grow whilst still providing you with a durable, renewable material for your construction work.

Choose Sustainable Tropical Timber at EcoChoice

At EcoChoice, the only tropical timber we ever supply is FSC or PEFC-certified. As champions of the sustainable timber industry, we work hard to ensure we work with responsibly managed forest owners who are helping protect our world’s forests for future generations. To play your part in saving the rainforests and protecting the animals, plants and people reliant on them, make the EcoChoice.

To learn more about where our tropical timber comes from or to be matched with the right species for your upcoming project, get in touch with our team today. When it comes to sustainable timber, we are always happy to help!

Is tropical timber sustainable

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