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In the UK, over 80% of people have been making changes to their lifestyle to become more eco-friendly. From small switches to reduce plastic use to installing solar panels on your home, there is a lot we can do to help our planet stay safe for future generations. At EcoChoice, we are all about making little changes for a more sustainable world. That is why we supply FSC-certified timber to building projects around the UK. But how green actually is timber, and is it the most eco-friendly option for your construction? Let’s take a look.

A Renewable Resource

One of the green benefits of using timber in construction is that it is a renewable resource. Trees are an abundant, naturally replenishing resource which will never run out! Of course, it is important that responsible forestry is maintained to stop the depletion of the world’s natural forests, which is why choosing FSC-certified timber is the eco option for your project.

Carbon Sequestration

One of the biggest threats to human civilisation is the growing concentration of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in our atmosphere. If you are looking to be more green, this is something you simply cannot ignore. Luckily, timber makes it easier to lower the carbon footprint of your build thanks to its wonderful carbon sequestration properties. This means that it actually stores CO₂ within the wood, keeping it safely tucked away and not releasing it into the atmosphere.

Eco-Friendly Fact: For every cubic metre of cross-laminated timber, around 1 tonne of carbon dioxide is kept out of the atmosphere.

In fact sustainable forestry plays a huge part in carbon sequestration. By felling and replanting trees to be used by the timber industry, the wood is protected from the natural rotting process which would usually release the stored CO₂ back into the atmosphere. As long as your timber remains well maintained and in use, the CO₂ it absorbed whilst growing is kept out of our atmosphere.

Mass Timber: An Eco-Friendly Innovation

One of the significant advancements in timber construction is the rise of mass timber. Mass timbers are engineered to enhance the strength, durability and versatility of natural timber using sustainable practices. Glulam is a great example of mass timber.

The end result is a sustainable, renewable resource which can be used instead of less eco-friendly materials, such as steel or concrete, and can be transported far more easily than these heavier products. It also reduces waste in the timber industry and leads to more efficient building processes, both of which earn plenty of green points for timber!

Timber Sustainability Vs Other Building Materials

Timber is frequently labelled as the most sustainable building industry material. As well as those  mentioned above, here are some of the reasons why:

  • It is lightweight for lower emissions during transportation
  • It is simple and quick to cut using machinery, which consumes less energy during and after processing
  • It is naturally biodegradable

Timber is known for having an incredibly low embodied energy (meaning the emissions released from production, processing, transportation and anything else which brings it from forest to consumer). Many projects see their carbon footprint actually decrease because of the addition of timber. Natural, versatile and with the option to be chemical-free, it is a no-brainer when it comes to sustainable building choices.

Discover FSC-Certified Timber

At EcoChoice, we have a wide range of timber species all of which come from responsibly managed, FSC or PEFC-Certified woodland. Encouraging the protection of our world’s forests, it is the best choice for a sustainable building material. Find out more by browsing our timber products today.

Image: Alberto Masnovo / Shutterstock.com



Timber sustainability

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