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Spotlight on Species: Chestnut

While there are many types of chestnut trees including American, Asian, and European, we are going to be focusing on the Sweet Chestnut, as it is the most commonly used variety in timber construction projects.

Spotlight on Species – Opepe

The botanical name of Opepe is Nauclea diderrichii. Opepe is a member of the Rubiaceae family. The original name of the tree is Bilinga, but is known as Opepe in England and Aloma in Germany.

Spotlight on Species: Iroko

The Iroko tree is sometimes known as the logo, lok or oji wood with many different names across Africa. It's often referred to as African teak although it's unrelated to the teak family. It’s also sometimes referred to as Mvule. This article will shine a spotlight on the species.

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