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Species in the spotlight: Cumaru

At EcoChoice we are tree enthusiasts, specialising in sustainable timber and all of its uses. With that in mind, we would like to introduce you to one of our favourite timber species, Cumaru, so that you can dive headfirst into this astonishing world.

How Timber Is Being Used to Decarbonise Our Cities

Have you heard of an urban jungle? In Western countries, it is not too common to see flourishing forest life in the middle of a city. But the concept of an urban jungle is becoming something to which we all need to pay more attention, with governments looking at how to create greener cities to tackle climate change.

The evolution of the great British pier

The UK is a country of seaside lovers. From ice creams and deck chairs on sunny days to blustery walks along the promenade wrapped in scarves and woolly hats, we can’t get enough of our coastline! One of the most popular attractions in seaside towns is often the famous Victorian pier, which has a long and impressive history. Learn more about it here.

What exactly is eco-friendly construction?

As the demand for sustainable choices grows, eco-friendly construction continues to gain more attention in the industry. The term refers to building methods, materials and principles which reduce the negative effect construction has on the planet.

High or low pressure treatment: which is right for my project?

There are tons of benefits to using sustainable timber in your structures. It is a renewable, sturdy, eco-friendly building material that suits a wide range of aesthetics, from contemporary to rustic. But it isn’t always the most durable option. Softwoods, in particular, can need a helping hand to ensure they are fit for purpose. This is where pressure treatments come in, designed to give your timber the oomph it needs to last for many years to come.

Timber durability – your guide to classes 1 to 5

When choosing timbers for your construction works, be it decking in your garden or cladding on a commercial building, there is a lot of jargon involved. One such term that we recommend you learn is Use Classes, and we have got all the information you need right here.

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