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Spotlight on species – Ipe

The Ipe tree is sometimes known as the Brazilian Walnut, the Guayachan, or the Lapacho and it has received a lot of attention in recent years. This article will shine a spotlight on the species.

Spotlight on species – Cedar (Canadian vs UK)

The Cedar tree is one of the most well known in the world. Often described as majestic, there are two types of cedar trees - true cedar trees, which belong to the Cedrus genus, and false cedars, which belong to the family Cupressaceae, otherwise known as cypress.

Why all doors should be made of wood

The type of material you choose for your door will depend upon several things. Not the very least your budget, but consider the timeless wooden door and why it remains the undefeated all-round champion of doors.

Wood Costs Less Campaign

At EcoChoice, we are dedicated to doing our bit to help reduce CO2 and fight climate change. That’s why we are here to support the #WoodCO2tsLess campaign.

Top Ten reasons why you should choose wood

Wood is our oldest construction material, yet is one of the most versatile, still providing solutions where many modern counterparts can’t compete with. Wood is also a renewable resource that can contribute to sustainability in the construction industry.

What Does Modified Wood Mean?

You hear the phrase ‘modified wood’ bandied around a lot these days, so what does it actually mean? If you are working in the timber industry, or as a carpenter, builder or joiner, it is important that you understand the materials with which you are working.

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