Piers are as much a part of the British coastline as pebbles and chilly water. Providing an excellent viewpoint along...
The UK is a country of seaside lovers. From ice creams and deck chairs on sunny days to blustery walks along the promenade wrapped in scarves and woolly hats, we can’t get enough of our coastline! One of the most popular attractions in seaside towns is often the famous Victorian pier, which has a long and impressive history. Learn more about it here.
Over the years, EcoChoice has supplied decking and timber for renovation, rebuilding, and repairing some of the UK’s most iconic piers.
There is nothing quite like taking a stroll out towards the sea on a pier’s timber decking (especially if it’s supplied by Ecochoice) with the waves crashing and splashing below. Here are our top picks of the UK’s best piers to visit this summer:
In the Isle of Man, FSC Ekki decking is being used to great effect in the restoration of one of the island’s most iconic landmarks: the Queen’s Pier. Located in Ramsey. The pier had fallen into disrepair and had been shut to the public for years.
EcoChoice have a had strong presence in the marine construction industry for many years, and in particular we have specialist experience in delivering timber components to piers, pontoons and marinas. In this article we look at the type of timber that we use for piers, why we use it, and look at two of the piers that we have helped with in recent years – Southend Pier and Hastings Pier.
Hastings Pier wins coveted RIBA 2017 Stirling Prize. Ecochoice supplied all the planks to Hastings Pier or "The Plank" as it's locally known.