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The world is warming up – why 1.5°C matters

You may have noticed in news reports on global warming that if the earth warms by over 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, we will step onto dangerous ground. Of course, many people may look at this and ask what is the big deal? But, why is such a small number so significant in our fight against global warming?

How Deforestation is Affecting our Planet

Thankfully, forests still cover about 30% of the land, but the rates they are disappearing at are alarming. Between 1990 and 2016, the world lost 1.3 million square kilometres of trees. To put that into perspective, that’s an area larger than South Africa.

Wood Costs Less Campaign

At EcoChoice, we are dedicated to doing our bit to help reduce CO2 and fight climate change. That’s why we are here to support the #WoodCO2tsLess campaign.

Chopped in Half

The Earth is home to 3 trillion trees. However, when you learn that number is half the amount that covered the globe when human civilization arose, your stomach turns with guilt.

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