In a world of standardised homes and properties, there is a product that can ensure your building stands out for the right reasons. With Abodo eco-timber cladding, you can choose from a variety of stunning all-natural wood cladding alternatives.
Although Christmas is done and dusted for another year, it’s worth taking some time to appreciate the trees that have become synonymous with the way we celebrate the festive season.
Wooden garage doors, whether overhead or sectional add a style and class to your home and come with several benefits.
Timber, as a natural, organic material, follows a cyclical flow that allows it to be self-sustaining. Read on to find out more.
Businesses are coming to be increasingly familiar with the demand to act to decrease their carbon footprints. In this post we break down the meaning of the terms surrounding sustainability.
The type of material you choose for your door will depend upon several things. Not the very least your budget, but consider the timeless wooden door and why it remains the undefeated all-round champion of doors.
Tropical hardwoods are naturally robust, strong and durable and can withstand variations in weather, moisture and even offer rot resistance.
Using wood as a cladding material offers many advantages but woods like OrganoWood, not only last a long time, weather to a pleasant grey tone, but are also resistant to fire.
At EcoChoice, we are dedicated to doing our bit to help reduce CO2 and fight climate change. That’s why we are here to support the #WoodCO2tsLess campaign.
Wood is our oldest construction material, yet is one of the most versatile, still providing solutions where many modern counterparts can’t compete with. Wood is also a renewable resource that can contribute to sustainability in the construction industry.
You hear the phrase ‘modified wood’ bandied around a lot these days, so what does it actually mean? If you are working in the timber industry, or as a carpenter, builder or joiner, it is important that you understand the materials with which you are working.
Here at EcoChoice we have long known the importance of preserving the world’s precious forests. However, a huge amount of construction work for properties both private and commercial depends on wood sourced from these forests.