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With one of the oldest timber-framed buildings in London dating back to the 14th century, timber is a material which is well-known for standing the test of time. But even with natural durability on its side, your cladding will still need a helping hand to stay looking its best. For boards which look as fresh as the day they were installed, we have put together our essential maintenance for EcoChoice’s sustainable timber cladding. Let’s dive in!

Regular Cleaning

Your boards are exposed to the elements day in and day out. So, it is only natural that a bit of dirt and grime will appear on your timber cladding, and it is nothing you have to worry about too much. But to prevent debris from causing damage or discolouration, it is a good idea to give your boards a clean fairly regularly. Depending on a number of factors (including the timber species you have chosen and how it was installed) we recommend a good clean every 1-5 years.

Cleaning your timber is pretty simple, making for pretty easy maintenance! Simply brush down the boards using a soft-bristled brush or sponge, adding a gentle and wood-safe detergent for a more thorough cleaning. Rinse with a damp sponge.

Damage Inspections

A crucial part of preventative maintenance is inspections. By checking your sustainable timber for wear and tear, you can deal with small issues head-on before they become major problems. Keep an eye out for cracks, splits or areas of rot, as well as loose or missing boards, and address any damage quickly to improve the integrity of your cladding.

Protective Finishes

When used outside, a protective finish can help shield your timber boards from the elements and enhance their durability. From waterproof coatings which work hard to prevent rotten boards to UV-resistant finishes which prevent your colour from weathering, adding a good finish is a must to keep your timber looking its best year after year. If you do not want to alter the appearance of your timber, stick to clear oils which will add protection to your boards without changing the natural hue, and reapply as needed throughout the years whenever your timber looks in need of refreshment.

Reseal your Timber

When you install timber cladding, you need to make sure it is entirely sealed against water. There are steps you will take during installation to help this, such as adding boards from a small height rather than at ground level to prevent rot from puddles, and sealing any gaps. Over the years, be sure to check that no moisture can penetrate your cladding, renewing sealant in joints and gaps as required and maintaining the installation. At any points where your boards meet windows, doors and trims, add flashing and caulking to keep your cladding watertight.

Good Ventilation

Did you know that your timber needs good ventilation? Airflow between the cladding and the underlying structure is essential for reducing moisture buildup and preventing rot. When installing your cladding, be sure to allow adequate ventilation by installing vents and leaving a gap between the wall and the timber, using battens for a stable structure.

Professional Maintenance

While there are some timber cladding maintenance jobs you can do yourself, not every project will be DIY-friendly. If you have an entire, multi-storey building clad in timber, for example, it is best to call in the professionals for a thorough inspection. A qualified contractor can identify any potential problems which the untrained eye might miss, and will carry out cleaning, repairs and preventative treatments to keep your cladding looking its best year after year.

Choose Sustainable Timber at EcoChoice

At EcoChoice, we supply timber cladding projects throughout the UK with durable, sustainable timber species. Whether you are looking for maintenance advice or are on the hunt for new timber for your cladding, we can help.

Get in touch with us today and let’s talk timber!

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